Tax Service Agreement


Thank you for choosing Bolt Global Tax Solutions to assist you with your tax return.
Bolt Global Tax Solutions and its affiliate partners KSP Business & Tax Inc and Trojan Accounting. will prepare your federal and state income tax returns. Bolt Global Tax Solutions and its affiliate partners KSP Business & Tax Inc. and Trojan Accounting will depend on you to provide the information we need to prepare complete and accurate returns and may ask you to clarify some items but will not audit or otherwise verify the data you submit.

Bolt Global Tax Solutions and its affiliate partners KSP Business & Tax Inc. and Trojan Accounting will perform basic accounting services only as needed to prepare your tax returns. Accordingly, our engagement should not be relied upon to disclose errors, fraud, or other illegal acts, though it may be necessary for you to clarify some of the information you submit. Bolt Global Tax Solutions and its affiliate partners KSP Business & Tax Inc. and Trojan Accounting will, of course, inform you of any material errors, fraud, or other illegal acts we discover an advice accordingly. The law imposes penalties when taxpayers underestimate their tax liability. Please call us if you have concerns about such penalties. Should we encounter instances of unclear tax law, or of potential conflicts in the interpretation of the law, we will outline the reasonable courses of action and the risks and consequences of each. Bolt Global Tax Solutions and its affiliate partners KSP Business & Tax Inc. and Trojan Accounting will ultimately adopt, on your behalf, the alternative you request.
Our fee will be based on the forms required at standard billing rates plus out-of-pocket expenses, complexity of calculations, and due diligence and audit requirements. Invoices are due and payable upon presentation, no refunds. Upon receipt of your tax preparation fees and signed required documents (i.e. form 8879), your return will be electronically filed, if applicable, with the appropriate taxing authorities.

Bolt Global Tax Solutions and its affiliate partners KSP Business & Tax Inc. and Trojan Accounting will retain an electronic copy of your documents and return your original documents to you. You should securely store these records, along with all supporting documents, canceled checks, etc. as these items may later be needed to prove accuracy and completeness of a return.
Bolt Global Tax Solutions and its affiliate partners KSP Business & Tax Inc. and Trojan Accounting will provide you with an electronic copy of your final tax return upon payment of tax preparation fees. Paper copies may incur an additional charge. We will retain electronic copies of your records and our work papers for your engagement indefinitely.

Returns prepared by Bolt Global Tax Solutions and its affiliate partners KSP Business & Tax Inc. and Trojan Accounting include the following:

  • Maximum Refund Guarantee: If you or someone discovers that you should have received a larger refund following all of the laws of the United States tax code, we will amend your return for free and refund your original tax preparation fees.
  • Audit Assistance: If you receive an audit letter about a return Bolt Global Tax Solutions and its affiliate partners KSP Business & Tax Inc. and Trojan Accounting prepared and it has been determined that Bolt Global Tax Solutions and its affiliate partners KSP Business & Tax Inc. and Trojan Accounting is at fault, we will assist you in solving any issues that arise at no charge. If Bolt Global Tax Solutions and its affiliate partners KSP Business & Tax Inc. and Trojan Accounting was not at fault or did not prepare the return being audited, assistance is available at standard billing rates.
  • Year-Round Access: Bolt Global Tax Solutions and its affiliate partners KSP Business & Tax Inc. and Trojan Accounting will be available year-round to answer your tax questions and help you with your tax planning as you move forward in life.

You affirm that this letter correctly summarizes your understanding of the arrangements for this work, you certify that all the information you provide is accurate, and you agree to this service agreement. Please copy for your records.